Monday, January 25, 2010

Prayer for Dwight and His Family

Hey Everyone, I got this email from another pastor friend of mine. He is really getting ready to go through some very major things in his life. Finding out he had lung cancer, and his wife is no longer around to help take care of the kids. He really needs all of our prayers. So please, Lift him up they need a miracle.
God bless you all.

This is what he wrote me.

Hey Buddy,

I know you have your own issue's your trying to deal with lately and I totally respect that. In saying that I have a request (a prayer request).

I wasn't sure I wanted to mention this or post it anywhere but after much consideration I figure maybe I should.

Just this week I learned from my doctor that I have "inoperable" lung cancer. It has been highly suspected for a while now that I had cancer but I needed to go through a battery of procedures before it could be confirmed.

Well, this week the final results came back and what my doctor suspected is true.

During the next several weeks and months I will be going through treatments that may be beneficial and with prayer and faith and trust in God I am hopeful.

I asked my doctor what having this cancer means in terms of life expectancy and he couldn't give me much in the way of an answer. He said it all depends on how well the treatment phase goes.

All I am asking my friend is that you remember me (and especially my family) in prayer if you will.

Thanks buddy, take care and I'll be in touch,
God Bless,


Prayer Requests and Help if you can

Some of you know him as Froggy on the net. But for those that don't know him. He's been a great friend to us for while now we are always praying for each other and others all the time. We'll I knew he was struggling but now he really needs prayers for him and his wife. If you can help out in any way please do. They are really a great couple love God and need a break.

I clipped some of the quotes from his page. But please go there and read the rest as well.
Thank you.
clipped from

My family and I have been riding a roller coaster through life for the last 2 1/2 years. Life was simple before the death of my Grandson, Jonathan. I had a good job, money in the bank and was able to keep all the bills paid.

My wife's medical conditions call for many medications.

Well, to the point--I'm broke. The savings are gone. I'm behind on the homeowners insurance and this may be the last hub I write in awhile. I owe for the internet and I don't have it. Food and heat and gas for work must come first.

A great hubber friend mentioned awhile back that I should ask for some donations. As much as it hurts my pride, I believe that is what I will do. I know and have faith that God will pull us through as He always does, but I do think it never hurts to ask.

 blog it

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We may not be moving now.

Praying HandsImage by mulmatsherm via Flickr

Hey Everyone, I just wanted to give you all an Update on our move. Being that it really started raining hard out here with several storms rushing through. I just found out that the place we were supposed to move into is not going to happen.

I know several of you have been praying and I had asked for this to be God's will for us to move. We had really been under some stress here for several reasons about this move. Mostly from not getting any solid answers and not sure what to expect.

But today, I found out that the roof has several leaks in it and it may take quite awhile for them to be fixed. Again, Not sure, and we don't even know now if it's possible to move there anymore or not. One thing We do know is we still need to find another place. Where we are is just way to small and just no room for a family of 5.

So if you can Please keep on Praying. I know God has a plan for us somewhere. Thank you all so much for lifting us up in your prayers. Your Awesome!
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A Prayer of Thanks

The Prayer Cycle album coverImage via Wikipedia

I was sent this from a friend, Not sure if she wants to be named. But I thought this to be a very good prayer for all of us. As she asked. Keep it going.
God bless you all.

Lord, I just want to say THANK YOU, because this morning I woke up and knew where my children were. Because this morning my home was still standing, because this morning I am not crying because my husband, my child, my brother or sister needs to be buried or pulled out from underneath a pile of concrete, because this morning I was able to drink a glass of water, because this morning I was able to turn on the light, because this morning I was able to take a shower, because this morning I was not planning a funeral, but most of all I thank you this morning because I still have life and a voice to cry out for the people of Haiti. Lord I cry out to you, the one that makes the impossible, possible, the one that turns darkness in to light, I cry out that you give those mothers strength, that you give them peace that surpasses all understanding, that you may open the streets so that help can come, that you may provide doctors, nurses, food, water, and all that they need in a blink of an eye. For all those that have lost family members, give them peace, give them hope, give them courage to continue to go on! Protect the children and shield them with your power. I pray all this in the name of Jesus!!! To all my friends please continue toforward this so that we can pray together for the people in Haiti. We are truly blessed!!!!!
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Sunday, January 10, 2010

A New Update to prayers asked for us.

Hey everyone. I wanted to thank you all for keep us in your prayers for us. Some of you already know that we have been living in a very bad area for a while now. Though we are very thankful we did not wind up in the streets this last time. God is Faithful. as always.

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This will be converted into our new Music Studio.

Most of you know we have been traveling around the entire US for the past few years and have left everything we knew including our Church that we love so much. Since then it's been on crazy ride many ups and downs. Many other times we have we were wondering if we were going to get out of some of those extremely hard situations.
Throughout it all it seems God really seems to work around the Music we do for Him.

Well, God has really moved for us we are finally getting into a house again. We move next month. To top it off not only does my family finally have room live again. But God made sure there was a spot in the House to convert into a studio room just big enough to begin recording not only us but others again. As much as I try not to be excited just yet. It is to late. lol

With the house God is also making sure I have to work for it. But the guy renting it to us. Loves God, and is really just a great guy. That is really hard to find now days. There is so much more, But I wanted to just say a quick thank you for all of you that are praying for us. You all Rock and God is just Awesome! A loong wait we've been through. Yet all in His timing. Can't wait to start recording again.
God bless you all.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Some prayers for us.

Bible with Cross ShadowImage by knowhimonline via Flickr

My wife and I has had some very great things happen to us the past few days. I have to say it is Awesome to see God working and letting us know that He is still in control.

I would love to have you all keep everything that we are going through in your prayers. Right now I want to keep it Unspoken, I just want to wait to see if all this actually going to happen before I mention it. God is Awesome, and I know that Jesus Christ knows what is best for us. I want everything to be in His will and not just ours.

Thank you all for your Prayers and May God bless you all.
Also. If you have requests Just ask.

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